Sunday, January 12, 2014

The One With Shoko

These McDonalds are high class
It is now the third full day here in Barcelona. Last night we went to McDonalds for dinner to see what it was like. It was definitely a lot more expensive than in the United States but it also gives the appearance of being a higher quality establishment. People that are decently wealthy still eat at McDonalds it seems like. The menu also had some slight variations but for the most part it was pretty similar. One thing that I dislike about all the restaurants so far is that you have to pay for water.

We also went out for the first time last night and it was quite the experience. We started off at a bar that was pretty nice. The drinks are super expensive here though. A mixed drink was $9.00, which made us realize even more the importance of pregaming a good amount. After the bar we went to our first club of the semester called Shoko. It was right on the beach which was really cool. You could step outside of the bar and walk right onto the sand. On the beach there are guys walking around with cases of beer for sale. Since the drinks in the club are so expensive a lot of the younger crowd will go out and haggle for beer. We met some local students as well that were really cool and showed us around. I have really enjoyed attempting to speak Spanish so far. It has been a struggle but I feel like I have learned a lot already in just a couple of days. We ended up getting back to our hostel at 4:30am but it did not even feel that late. However we did end up sleeping past 1pm today. These Barcelona party nights are really going to mess with your sleep schedule.

Thus far we are still looking for an apartment. The search has not been easy but it has definitely gotten better. Living in a hostel is not the most fun, especially when we are in a room smaller than a dorm room and there are 6 people living in it with all of our luggage. We are hoping to move in to an apartment in the next few days.

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