Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The One With The Apartment

It finally happened, we found our apartment for the semester! After a few days of searching all over Barcelona for the perfect apartment, we were able to find a great one. Our apartment is in the center of the center of the f***ing center according to our realtor. We live right off of La Rambla in downtown Barcelona right next to Plaza Catalunya, which is the heart of Barcelona. We are walking distance from nearly everything in Barcelona. The funny thing is that I will actually be paying more for my apartment next year in Champaign than for this one in the heart of Barcelona.

Olympic Stadium - Host site of the 1992 Olympic Games
After classes this week we have had a different exchange student event each day. Yesterday we got to take a free bus tour all over the city of Barcelona. It was pretty helpful in trying to learn the city and where everything is situated geographically. It was the first time that we were able to see some of the great museums, parks, views, and tourist attractions.

For dinner last night we went to a restaurant called Cien Monteditos based off of the fact that they have 100 different little sandwiches on their menu. Every Sunday and Wednesday every item on the menu is only one euro. That even includes the giant mugs of cervesa and sangria. Pretty cool place overall.

Here are pictures of our apartment from Altiro 2000. They are a great agency that I would highly recommend if you are a student looking for an apartment in Barcelona.

Here is my Bedroom:


Bonsucces 10, Principal 2a
Barcelona, Spain 08001

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